Current time is the hardest and most uncertain time in terms of economics, security, mentality and so on which might make you feel like everything is falling apart. We would like to encourage you to hang in there and give some advice on what you can do during this hard time. Here we mentioned what you can do to survive and keep yourself on the right track during this uncertain time.

1. Make S.M.A.R.T Goal

Set short-term goals in a weekly timeframe. One great tip for setting a goal would be utilizing the S.M.A.R.T. goal. SMART goals, when done right, can give you a big goal that keeps you motivated. Also, it will help you develop your self-discipline and focus on the task ahead. Establishing goals is the most effective way to confirm you are making progress. Make sure you meet your goals on the right track.
2. Self Development

This time is perfect time for you to learn something and be productive. Some ways of self-devlopment include simple tasks such as reading a book, trying something new, mediating, or even waking up early. You can also join an online class on your interest. Watch personal growth videos on YouTube and listen to audiobooks. You can also read books to develop your thoughts while keeping your minds active.
3. Grab Any Opportunities

Opportunities are like sunrises, if you wait too long, you'll miss them. A right opportunity can change your life 360 degrees. Always grab any opportunities that knock your door. Join the job, internship, and volunteer sometimes. Those can be the broadest spectrum of opportunities when seeking and applying for a job after college. Networking events are also great opportunities to learn from others or maybe just share some of your thought might lead to a whole new different opportunity.
4. Have a Healthy Lifestyle

Being healthy should be part of your overall lifestyle. Feeling good about yourself and taking care of your health are important for your self-esteem and self-image. Maintain a healthy lifestyle by doing what is right for your body. Strive to get at least 30 minutes of physical exercise. Take a few minutes to do exercises that help with mindfulness. It can help you sleep better and manage stress. Make sure to eat healthy food to keep your healthy lifestyle.
5. Take a break

You need to take a break sometimes. Don't push yourself too much. Step away from social media from time to time. Take a nap or walk outside to refresh your brain. Entertain yourself by watching series/dramas and listening to music. It's okay to reward yourself sometimes.
6. Spend time with your loved ones

Life is too short. You cannot know about the tomorrow. We always forget to care dearing people around us. Take care your loved ones and take care yourself. Make sure to spend time with your loved ones. At least say " I Love you " before it's too late. Don't make regretful things.
7. Contribute to Society

Contributing back to society is the must thing that you should do in this time. Everyone is in difficulty. Make sure to support them and don't forget about your community. Donate and contribute to society in your own ways to make a better community
8. Stay Positive

Positivity is something that you should have during this time that full with all negativity. Always remember and feel grateful for what you have
I can do this
I am Resilient
I can learn How to achieve it.
9.Write Daily Diary

Keep a daily diary of what you're grateful for and what you look forward to doing for the day. It will offer the chance to improve self-awareness. Getting to know yourself in this way provides an opportunity to communicate your feelings in a tangible way.
10. Work-Life Balance

Don't work all the time. Work-Life balance is the important for your lifestyle. Striking a balance helps you lead a happy and contented life, it ensures your growth as an individual and secures your mental peace and well-being.

If you want to spend your time usefully and get some experiences during this hard time, you can join community. We always warmly welcome to the talented youths who are eager to learn something. Please subscribe our blog or follow our Linkedin and Facebook Pages not to miss future blogs like this.