Applications for openfor.co/bootcamp - 2025 SPRING Cohort is OPEN, and the final application deadline is Feburary 16th, 2025 Apply Now!
Openfor.co is a global success based partnership development platform where you can find and develop partnerships.
Collab Overview
We are open for collaborations with those who have a vision of starting a new business utilizing the Japanese Stationery Company.
Why compete for a slice of the market share when you could have the whole pie?
In the past few years, Tombow has successfully partnered with creative businesses of all sizes through cross promotion campaigns. We have found that building each other up instead of competing against one another not only increases brand loyalty, but also drives sales!
How to Partner up with Tombow?
A brief summary of your business or company
Any social links affiliated to this business/ company
A time period in which you would like the partnership/ cross promotion to commence
A brief explanation of how you can see yourself partnering or cross promoting with Tombow
A brief explanation of how both parties could benefit from a partnership or cross promotion
Please note that a Tombow Representative will review your submission as soon as possible. Submissions may take several weeks to process and a response by a Tombow Representative is not warranted.
Blogging, social media influencer, content
New products, services, and PoC
Affiliate, bundle, resale, distribution partnerships
Supplier & procurement partnerships
Support a common cause together
About Us
Tombow is a Japanese family company that manufactures high-quality and reliable writing instruments and therefore supports creative people in their work.
Consumer Goods
Team Size:
2017 PR daily award winner
Have won various awards
Mentioned in a lot of news and articles
123,602 monthly visitors for US tombow page